Book recommendation from Charles Hoskinson — Life 3.0 by Max Tegmark
Just a few hours ago Charles Hoskinson made one more livestream — Saturday Night Live. Such livestreams made me interested more in Cardano, and this is the best marketing tool that the whole Cardano ecosystem has. Now I watch all the videos, even though most of them I watch not in a live mode (due to the European time zone, they are usually happening very early morning for me).
For me, Charles is not only CEO of IOHK, and Founder of Cardano, but one of the most interesting visionaries of our days. His areas of interest and expertise goes far beyond the cryptocurrency and fintech space, it includes also politics, economic theory, psychology, culture, literature, and many other different topics. During his livestreams, he is answering all the questions from the complex ones to simple questions about favorite brands or places.
Often people ask Charles Hoskinson for different recommendations, including books. For example not so long ago somebody asked his opinion about a book on cryptography, and he advised “Introduction to Modern Cryptography: Principles and Protocols” by Jonathan Katz and Yehuda Lindell. I found this book and I’m still reading it (it’s an interesting book, and I’m reading it slowly).
This time Charles recommended the book “Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” by Max Tegmark.
Short review says that: “Life 3.0 discusses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its impact on the future of life on Earth and beyond. The book discusses a variety of societal implications, what can be done to maximize the chances of a positive outcome, and potential futures for humanity, technology and combinations thereof.”
I decided to repeat this recommendation for two reasons. The first reason is that this “Life 3.o” mention might be lost among 1hour+ content of video. It will be easier for people to find this information here sometime later.
The second reason is that I have this book and I have positive memories with it. A year ago when still had a literature crypto bar, this book was newly published in Ukrainian language, and I ordered several copies for our bookshop part. In a short period of time, I can say that it became one of the bestsellers, and at the end when crypto bar had to stop its existing I kept 1 copy for myself. I planned to read it at that time, but other problems moved these plans. But now I consider this as a sign and I will start reading this book. in the nearest future.
Let me know your opinion if you already read it.
If you are a Cardano holder, don’t forget that soon staking becomes available. For example, I plan to stake my ADA in Daedalus wallet and the pool I will stake is AzureADA (ticker: AZUR)