To change Poetry for Crypto…

2 min readMay 6, 2020


A minute of poetry…

Many years ago I used to write poetry. I even published 2 poetry books. Second one which was published in 2013 with the circulation of 1000 copies. Many friends whom I knew back then from literature circles told that it’s a big circulation, most of the poetry books in my country are published with the circulation of 100–200 copies. But in time almost all books gone, some — sold, some given as present, some were sold on Amazon or some other sites, some — distributed at charity events or different presentations. I still have maybe 20 copies left, but for a long time I left it behind.

It might be a long story, but I don’t write poetry since then, since Maidan (Revolution of Dignity). Well, I don’t have inspiration, and also I feel I have nothing to say in poetry now.

But hopefully, I will be able to say something in crypto, area which I actively research and study for several years. And also thanks to you — some of my posts are getting attention.

So in metaphorical way, I changed Poetry for Crypto

And as an economical experiment, I would be happy to exchange poetry for Crypto — to send you my book for any amount of crypto. It might be even 1 cent, and I know that most of people, the vast majority of them don’t read poetry at all. So I won’t be surprised if nobody answers.

Recently I made an account on Amazon Kindle and the book is there

Also this post and the number of views, responses will help me with one more project I’m thinking about starting somewhere in the future.




Written by Cryptotexty

Cryptocurrency enthusiast, student of forgotten economists

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